HOVERPEN: Pens like no other

Already 3 generations of Hoverpen pens created by the NOVIUM team. They seem to come straight from space, Hoverpen pens defy gravity and inspire us.
Here are the 3 versions of the Hoverpen pens created by Novium. Of course, they all have a common inspiration but their fluid design continues to evolve and captivate us.
First the Gravity: vertically balanced on a base with 4 magnets.
This pen with its interchangeable ballpoint refill is the simplest of the range and yet it took many years to develop.
Next is the Interstellar model with its 23.5° inclination (like the earth's axis to the ecliptic plane). The magnets in the base, which now resembles a planet, are hidden to make this modern-day pen very elegant. The body of the pen is a single piece (unibody).
And finally Hoverpen 3.0 Future Edition. It floats at a 60° angle. It's even more amazing to see. Your desk will never be the same again. The whole thing is immediately reminiscent of a spaceship straight out of the Startrek and Starwars films.
Among these 3 designs, there is certainly one that will suit you (either for yourself or as a gift).
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